Support Team Members
The Student Services Department, in collaboration with building staff, provide opportunities for student intervention and supports through a Response to Intervention (RTI) framework. These interventions include a multitude of various aspects of student services that are solely dependent on specific student needs and situations. Student Intervention Team (SIT) meets regularly dependent on caseload to identify students who may need additional support or intervention.
Counselors - Are available to support students at the high school to support students academic and social emotional health. They support the students through academic guidance, social emotional counseling, liaison with classroom teachers, support with crisis response and members of the student intervention team.
Social Workers - Provide social and emotional support to students. Most social work services on a referral basis by staff, intervention team, 504 or IEP. Along with providing direct service and interventions, they run social emotional support groups and push in classroom instruction.
Psychologists - Are able to service academic and social emotional evaluation as a integral part of the intervention process. They are members of SIT along with 504 plans and IEP evaluations. Small support group instruction are in conjunction with social workers as well as classroom social emotional instruction.
Certified Nurse - Is available to support students, promotes wellness programs, process medical notes and waivers. They are a contributing aspect to SIT, 504 development and IEP evaluations.