Student Services Home
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Information for McKinney Vento Students & Families who are experiencing homelessness can be found here.
Recognizing and reporting signs of Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse and grooming behaviors harm students, their parents/guardians, the District’s environment, its school communities, and the community at large, while diminishing a student’s ability to learn. The Board has a responsibility and obligation to increase awareness and knowledge of: (1) issues regarding child sexual abuse, (2) likely warning signs that a child may be a victim of sexual abuse, (3) grooming behaviors related to child sexual abuse and grooming, (4) how to report child sexual abuse, (5) appropriate relationships between District employees and students based upon State law, and (6) how to prevent child sexual abuse. For more information, please see Board Policy 4:165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors at https://
Safe2Help Illinois
Safe2Help IL is a program with a multifaceted approach to help prevent suicides, bullying, school violence, or other threats to school safety. The program offers a website with self-help resources, videos, and a 24/7 confidential way to share information regarding safety issues impacting Illinois students. The goal of the program is to get students to "seek help before harm." |
Suicide and Self Harm
If you or anyone you know is experiencing persistent negative thoughts or may be at risk of self harm please have them reach out to their counselor or social worker. If you need immediate assistance dial 911. Other mental health resources are listed below.
Risk Factors correlated with suicide include (ISBE):
- Prior suicide attempt
- Co-occurring mental and alcohol or substance abuse disorders
- Family history of suicide
- Parental psychopathology
- Hopelessness
- Impulsive and/or aggressive tendencies
- Easy access to lethal methods, especially guns
- Exposure to the suicide of a significant person
- History of physical or sexual abuse
- Impaired parent-child relationships
- Life stressors, especially those involving loss
- Lack of involvement in school and/or work ("drifting")
Pregnant and Parenting Teens
Multiple learning options are available for pregnant and parenting teens. Please see your school counselor for more information.
Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Teens Guide: English
Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Teens Guide: Spanish
Other Student Services Resources
Suicide Prevention Resource Center