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Student Dress Code

Student Dress Code

The Board of Education believes that student dress is primarily the responsibility of individual students and his/her parents. However, some guidelines with respect to appropriate school attire and appearance are necessary. These guidelines shall be the basis for decisions by administrators in determining whether this policy has been violated.

Dress and grooming will be clean and in keeping with health, sanitary, and safety requirements and codes.  Dress and grooming will not be such as to disrupt the teaching/learning process.

  • Hairstyle or dress that may be hazardous will not be permitted in such areas as shops, laboratories, physical education ,arts, etc.
  • Articles of clothing that may be dangerous or that may cause physical damage such as cleated boots, shoes that scratch floors and clothing with metal rivets that scratch furniture are unacceptable. 
  • Examples of dress disruptive to the learning process include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • Clothing containing provocative or obscene writing or graphics or gang representation.
    • Clothing or jewelry imprinted with slogans or graphics that refer to alcohol, drugs, or sex is considered inappropriate.
    • Bare midriffs, see-through garments, bare backs,halter tops, low cut blouses and pants, and tank tops are prohibited.
    • Shoes must be worn.
    • Chains, dog collars, choke chains or any other inappropriate or dangerous apparel will be prohibited.
    • Jackets, coats, hats and hoods are not permitted in classrooms or hallways during school hours to preclude hiding injurious materials or representing gangs and unapproved student clubs.

The decision as to whether a student's clothing is unacceptable is made by the applicable building administrator, upon the administrator's own initiative or the request of a classroom teacher. If a student's clothing is determined to be unacceptable, the student will be required to change the clothing. If the student is unable or unwilling to change the clothing, further disciplinary measures will occur, up to and including suspension or expulsion.