Parents and guardians have the primary responsibility for administering medication to their children. Only those medications absolutely required for the critical health and well being of the student will be administered during school hours or during school related activities. In order to ensure the safe and proper administration of medication to students, the following procedures have been established. The intent of these procedures is to protect the student, to provide a clear and consistent approach to the administration of medication, and to ensure that physician, parents, school, and student understand their responsibilities.
The parent(s)/guardian(s) and Illinois physician will complete the School Medication Authorization form before the administration of any non-prescription medication at school. However, if the prescription medication is an antibiotic that is being prescribed for a short period of time (up to and including 10 days), the parent(s)/guardian(s) may sign his/her permission for the administration of the medications without a medical doctor’s order.
All prescribed medications will be provided to the school nurse in an original container or vial, as provided by the pharmacist with the prescription label affixed. Upon request, the pharmacist will supply you with the properly labeled containers, one for home and one for school. Non-prescription (over-the-counter) medications must be provided in the original unopened container labeled with the student’s name.
The Medication Authorization Form must be completed annually or whenever there is a change in medication and/or dosage.
No student may possess or consume any prescription or non-prescription medication during school hours or school-related activities until a completed and signed Medication Authorization form is on file. The school nurse may, in conjunction with the physician and parent(s)/guardian(s), identify circumstances in which a student may self-administer either under the direct supervision of school personnel in-serviced by the school nurse, or an individualized program developed by the school nurse. The appropriate permission-to-carry form must be completed and on file in the Health Office before the student may possess or consume any medication during school hours or school-related activities.
It is the parent(s)/guardian(s)’ responsibility to ensure that the licensed prescriber’s order, written request, and medication are brought to the school. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will be responsible for taking any unused medication from the school when no longer required. The school nurse will discard unused medication not picked up by the last day of school.
Medication will be administered under the direction of the school nurse. Questions relating to medication should be directed to the school nurse.
If parental and physician authorization to self-administer medication is on file in the Health Office, the student may carry his inhaler or EpiPen. No other medication, prescription or non-prescription, may be in a student’s possession during the school day or at school-related activities.
Community High School District 94
Health Services
Health Office Phone: (630) 876-6245
Fax Number: (630) 876-6241
Reference: Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois State Board of Education
“Recommended Guidelines for Medication Administration in Schools”
Asthma Management: A Resource Manual for Schools
Mission Statement
Mission Statement:
"You cannot educate a child who is not healthy, and you cannot keep a child healthy who is not educated." This statement by the former US Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders, MD, clearly illustrates the very essence of the school nurse's mission. Wellness does not just matter - it is critical. It is critical not just for the student, but for teachers and staff as well. The school health program emphasizes the interaction of health and wellness with education and learning. Our goal is to enable academic, social, physical, and emotional success by stressing prevention of disease and promotion of health and safety through individual counseling, education, and service.
Objectives of a Coordinated School Health Program:
• Health Services – Serves as the coordinator of the health services program, provides nursing care, and advocates for health rights.
• Health Education – Provides appropriate health information that promotes informed health care decisions, promotes health, prevents disease, and enhances school performance.
• Environment – Identifies health and safety concerns in the school community and promotes a safe and nurturing school environment.
• Nutrition - Supports school food service programs and promotes the benefits of healthy eating patterns.
• Physical Education/Activity – Promotes healthy activities, physical education, and sports policies/practices that promote safety and good sportsmanship.
• Counseling/Mental Health – Provides health counseling, assesses mental health needs, provides interventions, refers students to appropriate school staff or community agencies, and provides follow-up once treatment is prescribed.
• Parent/Community Involvement – Promotes community participation in assuring a healthy school and serves as a school liaison to a health advisory committee.
• Staff Wellness – Provides health education and counseling, promotes healthy activities and environment for school staff.
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