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AP - Advanced Placement

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What AP Courses Do The College Board and Community High School District 94 Offer?


In the chart below, you can see ALL of the AP courses that The College Board offers.  Students can choose to take any of the AP Exams for the courses listed below, but the highlighted courses are those that are specifically taught at West Chicago Community High School District 94.


Arts English History & Social Science Math & Computer Science Sciences  World Languages & Cultures 
AP Art History AP English Language & Composition AP Comparative Government & Politics AP Calculus AB AP Biology  AP Chinese Language & Culture 
AP Music Theory AP English Literature & Composition AP European History AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry  AP French Language & Culture 
AP Studio Art: 2-D Design    AP Human Geography  AP Computer Science A  AP Environmental Science  AP German Language & Culture 
AP Studio Art: 3-D Design    AP Macroeconomics  AP Statistics   AP Physics 1 AP Italian Language & Culture 
AP Studio Art: Drawing    AP Microeconomics   AP Computer Science Principles AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism  AP Japanese Language & Culture 
    AP Psychology    AP Physics C: Mechanics  AP Latin 
    AP United States Government & Politics   AP Physics 2 AP Spanish Language & Culture 
    AP United States History      AP Spanish Literature & Culture 
    AP World History       


You can take as many AP Exams as you want; in fact, the AP Program does not require you to take an AP course before taking an AP Exam



What are AP Exams Like?


Each of the exams has its own unique requirements; however, almost all of the exams have several things in common:

  • Most exams are two to three hours long. Be prepared to tackle a challenging exam with limited breaks. Eat a good breakfast and, if you are taking more than one exam on the same day, make sure you have lunch and snacks to keep you going.
  • The first part of the exam usually consists of multiple-choice questions. You will choose one of four or five answer choices for each question and use a pencil to bubble in your choice on your AP answer sheet. Your total exam score on the multiple-choice section is based only on the number of questions answered correctly. You won't receive or lose points for incorrect answers or unanswered questions.
  • The second part of the exam usually consists of free-response questions that require you to generate your own responses. Depending on the exam, your responses could be in the form of an essay, a solution to a problem, a spoken response and more. In most cases, you'll be writing your response in pen in the free-response exam booklet.
  • Not all AP Exams are paper and pencil exams. AP Chinese Language and Culture and AP Japanese Language and Culture Exams are CD-based and taken on a computer. AP Studio Art students submit portfolios of their work for review.