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Transition Resource Links


Every student deserves a successful transition to life after high school. Connecting students and their families to adult agencies and support services is vital to successful transition outcomes.

Our goal for every student is a successful transition from high school to work, training, post-secondary training, and/or post-secondary education. A successful transition requires years of planning and preparation by the student and their family, with the help and support of our special education team of teachers, support staff, therapists, and administrators.  
These transition resources are provided to help students and their families navigate the challenging system of services across a broad spectrum of areas. We are dedicated to the positive outcomes for all our students and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the contents of these pages.                                  

Please use the links below for a list of Adult Services for student's with disabilities in the DuPage County Area.

Adult Services - English

Adult Services - Spanish

Please use the links below for a list of suggested activities per age for a student with a disability.

Timelines - English

Timelines - Spanish