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Special Education

Our goal is to empower every student with diverse learning needs to reach their full potential by providing specially designed instruction, fostering an inclusive environment, promoting growth, independence, and success in both academic and life skills.

All eligible students are entitled to special education and related services through the age of 22.   Student's with disabilities may receive related services as part of their individual education programs (IEPs). D94 West Chicago Community High School will maintain related service logs that record the type and number of minutes of the related service(s) administered to such students. Copies of any related service logs will be available to parents/guardians at their child’s annual review IEP meeting. Parents/guardians of students with disabilities may also request copies of their child’s related service logs at any time.    

Procedural Safeguards - English

Procedural Safeguards - Spanish   

Behavioral Interventions Policy -  English

Behavioral Interventions Policy - Spanish

Behavioral Interventions Procedures - English

Behavioral Interventions Procedures - Spanish

Interpretation Services

PUNS - English

PUNS - Spanish

For any and all PUNS questions, please contact Megan Payleitner, Director of Specialized Services - 630-876-6262 or

Director of Specialized Services

Megan Payleitner (630) 876-6260

Assistant Director of Specialized Services

James Karas (630) 876-6265   

Administrative Assistant

Tammie Zegar (630) 876-6260


Kyle Etheridge (630) 876-6485

Case Managers

Mackenzie Bell (630) 876-6272  

Steve Brown (630) 876-6302  

Chad Coleman (630) 876-6573

Helen Cortez (630) 876-6271  

Courtney Damm (630) 876-6273    

Brigitte Debs (630) 876-6367  

Grant Galotta (630) 876-6270

Jocelyn Grauer (630) 876-6584

Marisa Hollister (630) 876-6525   

Zach Hill (630) 876-6471  

Elizabeth Irvine (630) 876-6572

Ben Jurgonski              

Josh May (630) 876-6268  

Ryan McLaughlin (630) 876-6596  

Josh Piha (630) 876-6297   

Beth Schomig (630) 876-6597

Sarah Smalley 

Guadalupe Vences (630) 876-6575  

Developmental Learning Program (DLP) Case Managers 

Amy Hoke (630)876-6409

Evan Johansen (630) 876-6448

Transition Program Case Managers 

Maggie Labuhn (630) 876-6574  

Marielle Reach (630) 876-6269 

Regina Pauli (630) 876-6594

Transition/Vocational Coordinator

Erica Gutesha (630) 876-6485

Outplacement Coordinator

Sandy Pampuch (630) 876-6267

Department Interpreter

Elva Slepicka (630) 876-6399

Welcome to the D94 Specialized Services Page! 

We hope this page finds it useful for you to easily navigate through what specialized services at D94 look like, as well as find helpful information on your journey with us and beyond!

Our goal is to empower every student with diverse learning needs to reach their full potential by providing specially designed instruction, fostering an inclusive environment, promoting growth, independence, and success in both academic and life skills.

By looking at a student's least restrictive environment, specialized services can be seen through a variety of ways from co-teaching classes to cross categorical special education classes to our different programs like our Developmental Learning Program (DLP), the Center Program, and our Transition Program.

Please use the links below to navigate through our staff directory, administrative procedure documents, resources, and our micro-business, WeGo Tees.

¡Bienvenido a la página de servicios especializados del D94! 

Esperamos que esta página le resulte útil para navegar fácilmente por cómo son los servicios especializados en D94, así como para encontrar información útil en su viaje con nosotros y más allá.

Nuestro objetivo es capacitar a cada estudiante con diversas necesidades de aprendizaje para que alcance su máximo potencial brindándoles instrucción especialmente diseñada, fomentando un ambiente inclusivo y promoviendo el crecimiento, la independencia y el éxito tanto en habilidades académicas como para la vida.

Al observar el entorno menos restrictivo de un estudiante, los servicios especializados se pueden ver a través de una variedad de formas, desde clases de coenseñanza hasta clases de educación especial categóricas cruzadas y nuestros diferentes programas como nuestro Programa de Aprendizaje del Desarrollo (DLP), el Programa Central y nuestro Programa de Transición. Programa.

Utilice los enlaces a continuación para navegar por nuestro directorio de personal, documentos de procedimientos administrativos, recursos y nuestra microempresa, WeGo Tees.