Online Voter Registration
Register to Vote!
Voting is one of the most important responsibilities of United States citizens. You must be registered to vote, but it is easy to do!
1. You can register in person with Ms. Willuweit, Mrs. Haas, Ms. Felfle, Mrs. Stadler, or Mr. Chisholm. The deadline to register in person with a paper form for the November 2024 election is October 8, 2024.
2. Use the link below to register online through the state of Illinois State Board of Elections. The deadline for registering to vote online is October 20 2024.
3. Register in person on election day at your polling place.
To register, you must meet these qualifications:
1. Be a US citizen
2. Be 18 years old by the date of the next general election
3. Live in your precinct for at least 30 before the election
You will need either your Driver's license, state ID, or Social Security number.