Bill Research Resources
For a complete listing of our databases and other resources, please go to our Research Page.
Specific Databases that might be of use for this project are:
Explora Secondary (EBSCO) - Go to the Business and Government topic center to access a list of topics with attached overviews, articles, video clips and other information.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Gale) - Contains information on current controversial issues and includes viewpoints, reference articles, infographics, news, images, video, audio, and more.
Issues: Understanding Controversy & Society (ABC-Clio) - Contains information on current controversial issues providing authoritative historical context, expert perspectives, and carefully selected primary and secondary sources.
JStor - Contains primary sources, scholarly journals, ebooks and images in the arts and sciences.
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Government Websites
Bureau of Labor Statistics - contains information and data sets on labor market activity, working conditions and the economy. - is the official website for federal U.S. legislative information including committee hearings and reports, congressional and senate communications, members and legislation.
Congressional Research Service - congressional think tank that provides reports on major legislative issues - access to over 250,000 datasets on a variety of topics including agriculture, education, science, finance and public safety.
Illinois Secretary of State - state government statistical information site.
Illinois General Assembly - bill status, bill drafting, and Illinois Compiled Statutes database.
US Census Bureau - provides access to datasets, publications and infographics on population related information including geography, economics, business and social structures.
Other Useful Websites
Pew Research Center - conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Datasets and articles based on the research are available. Topics include U.S. Politics & Policy, Journalism & Media, Internet & Technology and Global Attitudes & Trends. - sourced pros and cons of debatable issues, as well as a host of reference information relevant to those issues.
ProPublica - news site that aims to produce investigative journalism in the public interest.
Statista - data and statistics website with global information on a wide variety of facts and topics
Trusted News Organizations (available in school building only)
Remember to Fact Check
Verify who's behind the information by doing a Google Search of the person/organization or checking out Wikipedia!
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