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Music Department
The Music Department offers opportunities for students to pursue music in Band, Orchestra, Choir, Guitar, Theory, and Technology. Whether you have music background or are coming to the department without any music experience, there is a course for you. Additionally, there are extracurricular opportunities in Music through musicals, Jazz Band, and Marching Band. This website has further information on our classes as well as other opportunities. Research shows that students who study music develop more of their brain, leading to increased ability to work on multi-step complex problems and aids language development.Lisa Willuweit Humanities Division Head (630) 876-6450 Brandon Fantozzi Choir Director (630) 876-6492 Concert Choir Honors Acapella Chamber Choir Mixed Chorus Music Technology Women's Choral Marissa Renter Janiszewski Band Director (630) 876-6490 Concert Band Concert Band 2 Guitar Symphonic Band Alexandra Wojciechowski Orchestra Director (630) 876-6491 AP Music Theory Concert Orchestra String Orchestra Symphony Orchestra