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Classroom and Homework Expectations

Classroom and Homework Expectations

Attendance and class participation:
1.To succeed in this class regular attendance, class participation and the following are essential:
• In seat, ready to work on time.
• Have #2 pencil, pen, paper, 3 ring binder or folder and Health textbook.
• Focus full attention on class activities.
• Raises hand to contribute to class discussions.
• Contributes in a constructive manner and is cooperative during group activities.
• Complete all homework and assigned activities during the semester.

2.There is a high correlation between attending class and earning a passing grade. Excessive absences will result in grade reductions. If absent, it is your responsibility to get lecture notes and make up work. See your teacher for assignments prior to extended absences. When this is not possible, see the teacher before or after class to pick up missed work.

The School Tardy Policy will be followed. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.

Consideration for others:
Since this class is designed to encourage student participation, you will be expected to demonstrate respect for the opinions of your classmates. Ridicule, name-calling, etc. will not be tolerated. No student will interfere with another student’s learning or activity. Please see your teacher immediately if there is every a concern or problem in this area.

Homework is due on the date specified by the instructor and will be collected at the beginning of that class period. Points will be deducted for late homework. If you have an excused absence on the day that homework is due, that homework must be turned in at the beginning of class on the day that you return from your absence.

Your grade is determined on a percentage basis. Homework, quizzes, tests, a comprehensive final exam and your individual project will comprise the majority of your point total. It is advised that you keep a record of your points as the instructor will periodically will give you total point figures. This will enable you to monitor your own grade as the semester progresses. Remember: Your semester grade is determined by total points earned during the entire semester.