CDPT Road Test Requirements
Road Test Requirements
On June 2, 1986 the Office of the Secretary of State implemented the Cooperative Driver Testing Program (CDTP) in Illinois. The Cooperative Driver Testing Program is not mandated by legislation so participation in this program is voluntary. Community High School District 94 West Chicago participates in this program.
In the program students who successfully complete Driver Education at West Chicago may be exempt from taking a licensing facility administered driving test when applying for a driver’s license. At the end of the course (semester), our state‐certified driver education instructors will administer the CDTP behind‐the-wheel road test to their driver education students who meet ALL of the following eligibility requirements:
Received an "A" in classroom Drivers' Ed.
Received an "A" in Behind the Wheel.
Completed all simulator lab sessions.
Must have laboratory (BTW) teacher approval.
Have no unexcused absences from class.
Received no school suspensions or other disciplinary sanctions.
Completed and signed at least 25 hour of their 50 practice hours with a parent/guardian