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WeGo Back Safely

The following information was presented at the January 19, 2021 Board of Education Meeting.

Hybrid Students and Parents,

We are so excited to be welcoming students back to school! Below you will find information to help ease the transition back to school. 

The first day back is February 2, 3 or 4 depending on your last name (see Attendance Groups below). School hours are 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Be sure to eat lunch before coming to school.

Attendance Groups
Tuesdays:  Last name begins with A-F
Wednesdays:  Last name begins with G-M
Thursdays:  Last name begins with N-Z


Before Leaving Home

Parents must self-certify that their student is free of COVID symptoms before leaving home each school attendance day. The form is available on our website homepage at under the “link” icon.  (The form must be completed in the morning to be valid. The night before will not be accepted.)

Student Parking

Student parking is free this year, and is allowed at the Kerr McGee lot on Wood Street or the lot on Geneva Street.


Driving Students to School

Parents who choose to drive their student may drop them off at Entrance H on the south side of the building.


Bus routes have been communicated to eligible students via their D94 email. They are also available on our website at Buses will drop students at Entrance B.


Join us for a Week of Welcome to get to know WCCHS!

From 7:55 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on February 2, 3, or 4 using the Attendance Group schedule above, freshmen will spend the morning getting oriented to WCCHS. Buses will run early for eligible students. You can find this bus schedule at - the route # is the same, but the pickup time in the morning changes for this day. Lunch is provided, then Freshmen will stay to join the rest of the hybrid students in their attendance group for classes from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Buses will then take eligible students home. For questions, please contact Marc Wolfe, Activity Director, at, or call him at 630-876-6340.




At the end of the school day, a grab and go meal will be available for any student. Simply swing by Commons or Entrance B after 10th period to claim yours before getting on the bus or leaving campus.


Masks and Social Distancing

All students must wear a mask at all times on campus (neck gaiters, bandanas, and masks with exhalation valves are not to be worn). Social distancing of 6 feet must be maintained at all times.


Entering the Building

When entering the building, students should have their school ID out ready to be scanned at one of several stations at either Entrance B or H. Each day, if a parent has self-certified their student is symptom free, the student will be allowed to enter the building. If a parent has not self-certified their student, the student will be screened by a staff member.