Staff Honor Board Archives
Nicole Osborne, Michele Torrres, Patricia Arnold
WeGo teachers honored on behalf of College Board's Advanced Placement Program
Summer, 2020
This summer, three WeGo teachers were selected among thousands of applicants to score AP exams. Nicole Osbourne (Language Arts), Michele Torres (Math), and Patricia Arnold (Math) spent many summer hours helping to ensure students across the country could pursue college credit in the midst of school closures and the ongoing pandemic. Thank you for representing WeGo!
Ms. Leslie Fireman
By Leslie Najera-Rivas, Editor in Chief, Wildcat Chronicle (West Chicago Community High School student newspaper)
January 30, 2020
While spending more than 70 hours on just the writing, language arts teacher Leslie Fireman became a national board certified teacher in her second year at the school.
Teachers must prove that they have skills and reflect on their teaching to reach a certain standard and become a national board certified teacher.
Photo by WCCHS student Leslie Najera-Rivas
Ms. Angela Gentile
Symetra Heroes in the Classroom Award
November 7, 2019
Angela Gentile, a teacher in the Family & Consumer Sciences division at West Chicago Community High School, was recognized on Nov. 7, 2019 by Symetra’s Heroes in the Classroom program staff. Among the honors was a $2,000 donation for her classroom.
Click here to learn more.
Mr. Alfonso Rivera
Illinois State Board of Education Those Who Excel Award of Excellence
August 21, 2019
Rivera, a third shift custodian, was nominated for the state award by school staff members who appreciate his work ethics and positive attitude. Rivera, now in his 40th year at the school, is a self-starter, highly motivated, hard working, honest, and dedicated to his job.
Click here to learn more.