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Reunion Information

Reunion Information

Contact us to have your WCCHS reunion information posted here, or call Brittney Walker, Coordinator of Communications and Community Relations at 630-876-6215.


Class of 1973 Reunion- June 23-24, 2023

We’re West Chicago brave and bold. We make up the fight our line to hold. We’re West Chicago don’t you see? So, fight, fight, fight, for victory! Now here’s to the teams who have won the right. To carry our colors on the field in the fight. Here’s to the team, fight for me and you, For old West Chicago, white and blue!

Hello classmates! 

Has it really been fifty years since we last sang that song? Have you wondered what all  your friends have been up to since the last time you hung out with them? Do you want  to reconnect with them? Share stories, see how many children, grandchildren, and great  grandchildren there are? So many questions, these can all be answered and see old  classmates when you join us on June 24, 2023, for the West Chicago Community High  School Class of 1973’s 50th class reunion. 

The evening will start with cocktails at 6:00 pm and dinner at 7:00 pm. Join us at the  Hilton Garden Inn, 4070 E. Main St. (North Ave. or Rte 64) St. Charles, IL 60174. We  have blocked rooms for your convenience Friday, June 23th and Saturday, June 24th.  The price of the room for two people is $134.00 a night, which includes breakfast. A mix  of kings and double queens will be available. They will have 20 rooms blocked off, so  make your reservations early as the hotel often sells out. Rooms reserved after June 2nd, will be at their regular rate, if they happen to be available.  

Please use this link to book your room.

If you prefer to book over the phone, the number to call is: 630-584-0700 

It will be a fun night out for a buffet dinner, music, and reconnecting with old friends.  Tickets are $73.00 per person. 

Mail or email us if you plan to attend or if you must decline this time.  

Avis Swenson       Roxanne Matejovsky Hamlin    Rose Rojas Campos                                                                                                                                      954-360-5247       630-531-1884                                   630-815-6651 

Email us at

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Payment is due by May 15, 2023 and can be made ithe following ways:

Venmo - Electronic Payment -  

Check - Mail check made out to WCCHS Class of 73 Reunion. Mailed to Rosie Campos, 764 Hillview Ave., West Chicago, IL 60185