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College Credit - Dual Credit at COD


  Dual credit courses allow students an opportunity to earn both high school credit and College of DuPage credit from the same course. Thus, students completing dual credit coursework can graduate high school with college credit already obtained in the coursework listed below. College of DuPage tuition for dual credit courses is waived. High School and College staffing can impact availability of dual credit options on a year-to-year basis. In order to be eligible for dual credit, students must do the following:  
  • High school students must be dually enrolled as College of DuPage students.  If a student misses the enrollment deadline for COD enrollment, no COD credit can be awarded.
  • Meet College of DuPage prerequisite requirements, including grade level and test score requirements listed below
  • Reading Level 1: a score of 70 or higher on COD’s college placement test, or a composite ACT score of 20 or an SAT score of 500 or above on the SAT verbal/critical reading section or a SAT composite score of 950 or higher. Students who have 2.6/4.0 (3.23/5) unweighted cumulative GPA with 7 semesters of high school grades are exempt from reading level requirement.
  Courses currently offered for dual credit are listed below. Note that dual credit agreements between the high school and COD are re-signed every summer. Although once agreements are initiated they remain in place, a change in staff or textbooks at either the high school or college could result in an agreement not being renewed. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR INSTRUCTOR OR YOUR SCHOOL COUNSELOR ONCE THE SCHOOL YEAR HAS BEGUN.     


West Chicago Community High School

College of DuPage

Anatomy and Physiology (11-12)

Reading requirement – Level 1

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1500 (4  cr. hours)

Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology

Architectural Drawing (10-12)

Consent of Instructor

ARCH 1101 Basic Architectural Drawing (2 cr. hours)

ARCH 1211 Basic CADD/AutoCAD (3 cr. hours)

Botany (10-12)

HORT 1100 (3 cr. hours)  Introduction To Horticulture

Child Development 1 and 2 (9-12)

Reading requirement – Level 1

ECEC 1100 (3 cr. hours)

Intro to Early Childhood Ed. and Care

Computer Applications 1 and 2 (9-12)

OFTI 1200 (3 cr. hours)  MS Office Professional

Foods 3 (10-12) CULINARY 1120-002 (1 cr. hour) Food Service Sanitation

Electronic Presentations for Business Professionals (9-12)

OFTI 1250 (3 cr. hours) Electronic Presentations for Business Prof.

Introduction to Education (11-12)

EDUCA 1100 (3 cr. hours) Introduction to Education

Technical Drawing (10-12)

MANUFACTURING TECH 1101(3 cr. hours)

Industrial Design/CAD

Technical Mechanics (10-12)

MANUFACTURING TECH 1104 (2 cr. hours) Technical Mechanics

Machine Shop (11-12)

MANUFACTURING TECH 1151(3 cr. hours)

Machine Shop

Quality Control (11-12)

MANUFACTURING TECH 1180 (3 cr. hours) Quality Control